Ice fishing has its adventure that fills your long winter joys and excitement. It gets more challenging when it’s time to think about late-season ice fishing. The weather is nice and sunny, and fish bite well in the late season. The wind is calm, and the sun starts shining more. Usually, the late season can […]
How to Ice Fish for Perch: Tips on Locating to Using Right Tackle
Ice fishing can seem lonesome and challenging, especially perch fishing. But it has a special allure that explores mystery. You do not need to own a fancy boat to quickly go to bars and reefs to easily pinpoint a fishing location. Ice fishing for perch is an exciting game that you can see them biting […]
How to Ice Fish for Lake Trout
Ice fishing in lake trout is addictive because lake trout anglers will find the giant trout family. They are aggressive feeders that strike about everything. Seeing the lake trout on the ice is a little trickier. Understanding fish behavior and temperature are essential for ice fishing. Remember, a frozen lake won’t show you the trout […]
How to Tie an Ice Fishing Knot
Fishing is a sport that requires many small yet complex arrangements. One of them is tying a fishing knot. Tying an ice fishing knot is another challenging work where your hand might need several attempts to tie perfectly. A proper tying knot helps to give the best performance with the fishing line. Improve clinch, Palomar […]
How to Prepare for Ice Fishing
Ice fishing could be a new adventure for passionate anglers and challenge new things. It is one of the great fun sources for passing long winter. You can walk the entire lake across the ice and find fishing spots quickly, but you have to gather the right gear and equipment before that. You cannot enjoy […]